Tag: meal plans
Apr. 5, 2019
Meal plans can still upgrade
One thing that I have always wanted since my freshman year at Drexel is the addition of more dining locations to the meal plan system.…

Dec. 4, 2015
All Hans on deck
Somewhere between your mom’s home cooking and well-disguised sawdust lies the cuisine served at Drexel’s own Handschumacher Dining Hall. Students’ opinions don’t vary much on…

Jul. 15, 2011
Drexel named one of least affordable
CNNMoney.com recently ranked Drexel University as one of the top 10 least affordable colleges, based on information obtained from a college cost database launched by…

Jun. 3, 2011
Dining hall to offer takeout option
Starting in the fall 2011 term, Drexel University’s Handschumacher Dining Center will begin to offer a takeout option for students with a meal plan. The…