Tag: hospitals
Jun. 5, 2020
The man without a mask
A dark wind is blowing through this country, and we can only await what destruction it will finally bring. Before the coronavirus descended on us,…
Feb. 7, 2020
Philadelphia’s healthcare issue continues to grow
It comes as no surprise that there is a correlation between income levels and health outcomes, with the wealthiest Americans living a lifespan that is…

Nov. 1, 2019
An Open Letter to President Fry from the 500 Registered Nurses of St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children
Dear President Fry: We are the 500 registered nurses at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children. We are members of the Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses…
Aug. 23, 2013
An open letter to my insurers
Dear Customer Care, My name is Richard Furstein (patient No. YHQ3HZN58338870), and I am writing you to share my experiences seeking psychiatric help through your…